大一是第一年的成绩 students receive will appear on the academic transcript that is submitted 上大学.


正因为如此,现在的赌注提高了 学者. 从初中过渡到高中后, 很多事情看起来都是一样的. 学生们仍然去上课,做作业, 参加考试,见见朋友. 但也有一些非常重要的 当学生进入九年级时发生的变化.

大学也将如此 looking at a student’s grades in the spring of Junior year, there is not much time to fix any Grade Point Average mistakes that occur at this stage 游戏的. 举个例子:如果一个学生得到2.平均绩点5 as a freshman, and then he or she receives straight A’s from that point forward, even with honors classes, the best Grade Point Average he or she 能升到3吗.5. 对于竞争激烈的学院和大学来说 可能不够好,无法被接受.



学生们需要开始把注意力放在学业上 这将使他们在大学入学考试中脱颖而出.


随着高中作业的严谨性不断提高 school and study time becomes more limited, it is important to build study and time management skills that will increase the quality of each minute 花在学校作业上.


For students transitioning from 8th to 9th grade on an academic track of lower rigor, there is still enough time to progress onto a path to place 他们在高中的先修课程.


Students should use this year as an opportunity to drop in on clubs and 与教练交谈. 尽早参与让学生更有可能 在高中以后的学生组织中担任领导角色, 这种领导经历被大学考虑在内 评估应用程序时.

九年级学生有机会探索自己的激情 在关键科目上表现出色

学生将开始建立学术技能 will be measured on college admissions tests during their sophomore, junior, and 高级年.

In math, reading, and writing, there is a foundation being built now that will 在高中以后会有很大的不同. 作为新生,所有的学生都应该如此 taking classes in the following areas: 英语, math, science, 社会科学, 外语. 大多数学生会选择代数1或几何来学习数学, Biology or Chemistry for science, and World or United States History as their 社会科学.


学与学之间,出与出 school work, clubs, sports, and recreation, there is a lot more going on starting 九年级时. 学生们必须做出明智的选择,否则他们最终会 不知所措,疲惫不堪. 在此期间,学生将有机会 to start/continue to explore their interests and passions, which will ultimately 告知有关大学和职业的决定.



Freshmen that have demonstrated content mastery to this point in time must continue their past academic performance while considering the wider array of skills that will be necessary for later high school and collegiate success. Previous academic achievement will reflect itself in the academic track on which these students begin in high school, but not in the Grade Point Average 最终提交给大学. 大一的第一天, 每个人都是从一张白纸开始的.

As freshmen receiving top marks are on a track towards the most-rigorous possible courses later in high school, such as 跳级 classes, it is important now to develop the types of study habits and time management skills that will 允许更平滑地过渡到增加的工作负载. 重要的是…… increase the quality of one’s study time before the quantity of work increases.

It is also important for these students to begin to enrich their college 学术成就以外的应用. 参与课外活动 activities such as sports, music, student government, and/or volunteering will allow high-achieving academic students to stand out from the many other high-performing 申请竞争最激烈的大学的学生. 参与… this early point in high school also allows for the building of leadership skills and the opportunity to lead these organizations later in high school, which are 在评估申请时,他们都得到了大学的高度评价.


Freshmen who have demonstrated the content knowledge to receive B grades, but not A’s, to this point in their academic careers must work to identify and develop areas of skill weakness that are separating them from the extra points needed to 获得最高分. 如果一个学生能把他们的成绩从B提高到a this moment, then only these higher marks will be reflected in the Grade Point Average 当他或她大四的时候,大学就会看到.

This is also essential at this point in a student’s academic career as, in most cases, students who receive A’s during 9th grade will begin to position themselves to take honors classes as sophomores, which will later funnel them into Advanced 三年级和四年级的安置班. 在考试中获得尽可能高的分数 the most competitive courses is the best argument students can make for why a college 应该接受他们.

A significant part of this push to the top of the grade scale will be fostering a growth mindset – the student’s belief in his or her own ability to overcome whatever challenges have previously held him or her back from becoming an “A student.”


Freshmen who are receiving predominantly C grades or below still have time to build the skill mastery and content knowledge to improve their academic performance. 作为大学 only will only view grades starting 九年级时, if a student can evaluate their grades at this point in time, there will be no evidence of their history at a “C Student” beyond 他或她作为大一新生被安排参加的课程.

Considering this academic track is particularly important, as students that can raise their grades as freshman still have the time to begin ascending into the honors classes that will later allow them to enroll in and succeed in the most rigorous classes such as 跳级.

Not only will this skill building allow for higher grades and the potential to take more rigorous classes later in high school, it will also prepare students for the standardized assessments that they will take during sophomore, junior, and 高级年. ACT考试的大部分内容® ,坐® 和九年级的数学,写作, 阅读能力. It is also necessary that students at this grade level develop a mindset that allows them 相信他们能在学业上取得成就. 许多学生开始认清自己的地位 as a “C student” as a permanent condition, and not one that can be changed with the 适当的个体化支持. 培养学生的成长心态 now is essential, as at no other time in high school will they have a blank slate in regards to their Grade Point Average and their ability to enrich their application 课外活动.
