As college applications are sent during the 大四的秋季学期,这是最后一个学年 充分反映在学生成绩单上的平均绩点上 academic transcript.

The Revolution Prep Difference

For students that have received lower marks during the 高中前两年,是现在或永远不采取步骤 improve their grades. For students that are able to develop the content 和技能掌握,以提高他们的学术,大学确实纳入 考虑学生在高中课程中的成绩趋势.


Junior year is a marathon, not a sprint.

Avoid burnout, and stay motivated.

如果学生真的因为课业压力过大,那可能 includes AP® 班级和课外活动,那么现在调整还为时不晚 habits in a way that addresses these concerns.

Explore new subjects through electives.

选修课将允许学生探索新的主题,并识别 潜在的利益,他们之前可能没有接触过.

Finish up standardized testing.

Taking the PSAT/NMSQT® early and either the ACT® or SAT® before the end of junior 如果有必要,学校将允许学生提前再次参加考试 senior year.

Now into the back half of high school, junior year is the 是时候让学生采取必要的步骤来提高或巩固他们的 collegiate applications.

所有大三的学生都应该学习以下课程 areas:

English, math, science, social science, and foreign language. Most students will take 代数2,三角学,或微积分预科,生物,化学或物理 science, and United Stated History as their social science.

In October, all 11th graders should take the PSAT/NMSQT®.

Juniors taking the PSAT/NMSQT® have the opportunity to achieve National Merit Scholarship 对他们的认可取决于他们的分数与全国其他大三学生的比较 within their own state. 获得国家功绩认可不仅允许 学生可能会得到大学的钱,但这一成就也被注意到 a student’s college application.

想申请竞争最激烈的大学的学生也应该考虑一下 SAT® Subject Tests as juniors.

需要注意的是,每所大学对学科考试的期望是不同的, 因此,学生在申请申请时咨询他们的指导老师/大学辅导员是很重要的 deciding which exams to take. For students taking Advanced Placement exams junior year, it's a good idea to take that particular SAT® Subject Test at or near the same time as the 大学先修课程考试,让学生可以同时参加两门考试,当他们的学科领域 expertise is at its peak.


对于到目前为止还没有参加过课外活动的学生来说, 重要的是,让他们参与进来,既能培养他们的领导技能,又能丰富他们的经验 college applications.

Opportunities for Growth

A Students

对于学业成绩优异的大三学生,有必要支持之前的工作 with elite scores on standardized assessments. For all of the time a student spends in the 上课,完成作业,准备考试,单ACT®/SAT® score accounts for 25%-35% of what colleges consider. A student does not want a four-hour test to undermine thousands of hours of work.

对于这些学生来说,确定继续学习的动机也很重要 has led to success during the previous two years. One way to drive student motivation is 提供具体的例子,说明为什么在标准化考试中取得好成绩和高分 exams continues to be important. Beyond just the motivation of going to college, it is 重要的是,学生们要确定他们希望上哪所大学,他们需要什么 希望在上大学后学习或取得成就,以及他们毕业后可能想做什么. 建立坚定的目标和客观的终点线可以激励学生的持续 achievement despite his or her increased workload.

同样重要的是,这些学生要丰富他们的大学申请 academic achievement and standardized test scores. The most competitive colleges receive 许多在课堂上获得最高分的学生和精英们的申请 scores on standardized exams. 出现在学生申请表上的活动 成绩单和考试成绩展示了他或她将为学校带来的独特品质 incoming class at a college. Extracurricular accomplishments provide the opportunity 让学生讲述一个超越他或她的课堂成绩的故事.

B Students

成绩低于精英水平的大三学生还有最后一次机会 展示技能和内容的掌握,这是给他们的绩点所必需的 平均这些额外的分数可以帮助他们在大学申请中脱颖而出.

从以B为主提升到以A为主也很重要 class choices a student has as a senior. If a student has not yet taken Advanced Placement 到目前为止,在大三的时候得到A可能会让他或她有所收获 entry to these classes in 12th grade. Taking these courses and receiving passing 相关考试的分数可以让学生在入学期间获得大学学分 high school. 这一向职级顶端推进的重要部分将是发展 一个学生的心态,即使在高中的后期,甚至以后,他或她可以 an “A student.”

C or Below Students

以C或C以下成绩为主的三年级学生有最后一次机会 提高了他们的高中学习成绩,显著提高了Grade Point Average that appears on their academic transcript. It is important to note that 许多大学积极地看待学生成绩的上升趋势.

这种技能建设不仅可以在过渡时期获得更高的等级,而且还可以 学生在标准化考试中的表现是否有残留 the end of junior year. This is particularly important as a high ACT®/SAT® score 为这些学生提供了一个平衡较低平均绩点的机会 when applying to college.

类似于标准化考试,课外活动提供了一个机会 学生在申请大学时提供一个更全面的印象. Leadership 在体育、学生组织或学生活动中的角色可以为学生提供深度 学生的个人资料超越了平均绩点和标准化的量化衡量标准 test scores.

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